Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why she gets the guys.

You see her all the time. The girl with the mediocre looks. There is nothing overtly special about her appearance yet you and anyone else in the room is drawn to her. You ask yourself ” Why her? Why do all the guys swoon over her when I am just as acceptable?.” 
As much as she may look just the same as the girl you wouldnt think twice about when passing on the street, this woman has an edge because she is CONFIDENT.
Confidence is almost just as important as looks now-a-days. I like to think attractiveness is not only physical. I base attractiveness 25% on looks, 25% confidence and 50% personality.
So GIRLS! Be confident! Who will love you if you cant even love yourself. As a plus-sized, attractive, young adult I noticed a DRASTIC increase in the amount of guys giving me attention the second I stopped acting as holly helper to my drunken friends and having fun of my own. 
So whats the secret to sexy? Confidence. Simple as that.


  1. Nice try.
    In real life, I've yet to meet a truly confident fat woman. And the feigned attempts come off as ridiculous.
    I have noticed that fat girls either walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders in a victimish stupor, misunderstand arrogance for confidence, and/or search high and low for someone fatter than they are in order to perpetuate the deluded notion that they aren't "that" big.
    Fat and pretty never go together, so they live with the ever present knowledge that they aren't.
    And it's pretty crazy. Unlike so many areas of discrimination, they have the absolute ability to change.
    Every time I see an overweight person I know I am looking at someone who is lazy, lacks impulse control, and refuses to place their own health above whatever the next snack may be.

  2. You do not appear to be overweight.
    Good job!
